
19.427.328 ltda top gun armas | Top Gun Armas: A Trusted Destination for Firearms and Ammunition

19.427.328 ltda top gun armas

19.427.328 ltda top gun armas


Empowering Firearm Enthusiasts with Quality Products and Services

Information Details
Name Top Gun Armas 19.427.328 LTDA
CNPJ (National Register of Legal Entities) 19.427.328/0001-17
Business Name 19.427.328 LTDA
Trading Name Top Gun Armas
Date of Establishment 18/12/2013
Age of Company 9 years, 7 months, and 10 days
Company Size Micro Empresa
Legal Nature Sociedade Empresária Limitada
Opted for MEI (Microentrepreneur Individual) No
Opted for Simples Yes
Date of Opting for Simples 18/12/2013
Registered Capital R$ 200,000.00
Type Matriz
Status Ativa
Registration Date 18/12/2013
Phone(s) (93) 99129-3574 (Ligar) (Whatsapp)
Address Avenida Mendonca Furtado, 3551
Complement Sala 22
Neighborhood Aldeia
ZIP Code (CEP) 68040-050
City Santarém
State Pará
Mailing Address Top Gun Armas 19.427.328 LTDA Avenida Mendonca Furtado 3551 Sala 22 Aldeia Santarém PA 68040-050
Main Activity (CNAE) 47.89-0-09 – Comércio varejista de armas e munições
Board of Partners and Administrators Alef Brito da Silva – Sócio-Administrador
Person in charge of the company Sócio-Administrador
About The company Top Gun Armas with CNPJ 19.427.328/0001-17, founded on 18/12/2013 and with business name registered as 19.427.328 LTDA, is located in the city of Santarém in the state of Pará, Brazil. Its main activity, according to the Federal Revenue, is 47.89-0-09 – Comércio varejista de armas e munições (Retail trade of firearms and ammunition). Its current registration status is Ativa (Active).

In the vibrant city of Santarém, Pará, Top Gun Armas has been standing tall as a trusted entity in the world of firearms and ammunition. With its business name registered as 19.427.328 LTDA and CNPJ 19.427.328/0001-17, Top Gun Armas has been serving firearm enthusiasts and professionals since its inception on 18th December 2013. As a Sociedade Empresária Limitada (Limited Liability Company), the company has carved a niche for itself by offering a wide range of quality products and services to its customers.

A Journey of Trust and Excellence

For over 9 years, Top Gun Armas has been an emblem of trust, reliability, and excellence in the firearms industry. From firearm enthusiasts seeking personal protection to professionals looking for top-notch equipment, the company has been a go-to destination for all things related to firearms and ammunition.

Empowering Responsible Ownership

With a firm belief in responsible firearm ownership, Top Gun Armas places utmost importance on adhering to strict regulations and ensuring that all customers undergo proper background checks and licensing procedures. The company’s commitment to safety and compliance has earned it a loyal customer base that values both the quality of its products and its dedication to responsible firearm ownership.

A Wide Array of Products and Services

As a Micro Empresa, Top Gun Armas understands the unique needs of its customers and strives to offer a diverse range of products and services. Its main activity, categorized under “47.89-0-09 – Comércio varejista de armas e munições” (Retail trade of firearms and ammunition), reflects its specialization in providing quality firearms and ammunition to the public.

Leadership that Sets the Course

At the helm of Top Gun Armas is Alef Brito da Silva, who serves as the Sócio-Administrador (Partner-Administrator) of the company. Alef’s passion for firearms and his dedication to customer satisfaction have been instrumental in driving the success of the company and its mission to empower firearm enthusiasts with the best products and services.

Serving Santarém and Beyond

Located on Avenida Mendonca Furtado, 3551, Sala 22, in the vibrant neighborhood of Aldeia, Top Gun Armas caters to customers not only in Santarém but also beyond. Its commitment to customer service and quality has enabled the company to reach firearm enthusiasts across the region.

A Future of Continued Excellence

As of the latest update, Top Gun Armas remains “Ativa” (Active), a testament to its continued dedication to serving its customers and upholding the highest standards of quality and compliance. With a robust capital base of R$ 200,000.00, the company is well-equipped to embrace the future with confidence and continue its legacy of empowering responsible firearm ownership.

The Trusted Choice for Firearm Enthusiasts

Top Gun Armas stands as a beacon of trust and reliability in the world of firearms and ammunition. Its commitment to responsible ownership, quality products, and exceptional customer service have solidified its position as the trusted choice for firearm enthusiasts in Santarém and the surrounding areas.

Top Gun Armas – Empowering Firearm Enthusiasts with Quality Products and Services.

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