44.891.024 ltda language school santo antonio de jesus
In the vibrant city of Santo Antonio de Jesus, located in the state of Bahia, Brazil, a language school has been making significant strides in providing top-notch language education. Introducing “LANGUAGE SCHOOL,” operated under the CNPJ number 44.891.024/0001-53, this educational institution has been empowering individuals with linguistic proficiency since its establishment on January 17, 2022.
Company Registration Information:
- CNPJ: 44.891.024/0001-53
- Company Name (Razão Social): 44.891.024 LTDA
- Trade Name (Nome Fantasia): LANGUAGE SCHOOL
- Type: Head Office (Matriz)
- Date of Establishment: January 17, 2022
- Registration Status: Active
- Date of Registration Status: January 17, 2022
- Capital Social: R$ 50,000.00
- Legal Nature (Natureza Jurídica): 2062 – SOCIEDADE EMPRESÁRIA LIMITADA
- Empresa MEI: No
- Address (Logradouro): AVENIDA BARROS E ALMEIDA
- Number (Número): 693
- Complement (Complemento): Not specified
- Postal Code (CEP): 44441-510
- Neighborhood (Bairro): SAO BENEDITO
- City (Município): Santo Antonio de Jesus
- State (UF): Bahia
- Phone: 75 99181-7797
Quadro Societário:
- Carlos Alberto Conceicao de Souza – Sócio-Administrador
Main Activity:
- 8593700 – Language teaching
Secondary Activities:
- 4761001 – Retail trade of books
Language School: Where Communication Knows No Boundaries
The Language School, known for its registered trade name, is dedicated to fostering linguistic excellence and providing individuals with the tools they need to succeed in a globalized world. Established on January 17, 2022, the institution operates as a Sociedade Empresária Limitada, emphasizing its status as a private limited liability company. With a capital social of R$ 50,000.00, Language School demonstrates its commitment to investing in quality education and infrastructure.
Empowering Minds through Language Education
At the core of Language School’s activities lies the pursuit of language education excellence. Under CNAES code 8593700, the institution excels in “Ensino de idiomas,” or language teaching, offering comprehensive language courses to learners of various ages and backgrounds. Whether it’s English, Spanish, French, or other in-demand languages, Language School equips students with the linguistic skills and cultural awareness needed to thrive in a multicultural world.
A Diverse Learning Experience
Language School goes beyond language teaching, offering additional enriching experiences through its secondary activities. Under CNAES code 4761001, the institution engages in the “Comércio varejista de livros,” or retail trade of books. This complementary offering allows students to access a wide range of language learning materials, including textbooks, language guides, literature, and other resources, enhancing their language learning journey.
A Visionary Leadership
Carlos Alberto Conceicao de Souza, the Sócio-Administrador of Language School, plays a pivotal role in steering the institution towards success. With a visionary approach to education, Mr. Souza’s leadership ensures that Language School remains at the forefront of language education, offering innovative programs and empowering learners to communicate with confidence.
Unlocking Opportunities, Empowering Lives
Language School’s commitment to excellence and its diverse array of language courses unlock countless opportunities for its students. Whether it’s for academic pursuits, career advancement, or personal growth, the language education provided by Language School empowers individuals to communicate effectively and connect with the world.
As the institution continues to thrive and expand its educational offerings, Language School remains steadfast in its mission to empower minds through language education. Through its passion for teaching, commitment to quality, and dedication to lifelong learning, Language School paves the way for a brighter, more interconnected future for its students.