45.743.633 ltda ecoseg – consultoria, gestao e treinamentos
Information | Details |
Name | Ecoseg – Consultoria, Gestao e Treinamentos 45.743.633 LTDA |
CNPJ (National Register of Legal Entities) | 45.743.633/0001-28 |
Business Name | 45.743.633 LTDA |
Trading Name | Ecoseg – Consultoria, Gestao e Treinamentos |
Date of Establishment | 22/03/2022 |
Age of Company | 1 year, 4 months, and 6 days old |
Company Size | Micro Enterprise |
Legal Nature | Limited Liability Company |
Opted for MEI (Microentrepreneur Individual) | No |
Registered Capital | R$ 50,000.00 |
Type | Headquarters (Matriz) |
Status | Active |
Registration Date | 22/03/2022 |
henrique@grupohfma.com | |
Phone(s) | (98) 98173-0005 (Call/WhatsApp) |
Address | Rua Nascimento de Moraes/Rua 1, 302 |
Complement | Sala 04 |
Neighborhood | Sao Francisco |
ZIP Code (CEP) | 65076-320 |
City | São Luís |
State | Maranhão |
Mailing Address | Ecoseg – Consultoria, Gestao e Treinamentos 45.743.633 LTDA Rua Nascimento de Moraes/Rua 1 302 Sala 04 Sao Francisco São Luís MA 65076-320 |
Board of Partners and Administrators | 1. Daniela Caires Chaves Pinto – Partner-Administrator 2. Paulo Bogea Martins Filho – Partner |
Person in charge of the company | Partner-Administrator |
About | The company Ecoseg – Consultoria, Gestao e Treinamentos, with CNPJ 45.743.633/0001-28, was founded on 22/03/2022 and has its business name registered as 45.743.633 LTDA. It is located in the city of São Luís, in the state of Maranhão, Brazil. According to the Federal Revenue, its main activity is 86.30-5-02 – Outpatient medical activity with resources for complementary exams. Its current registration status is active. |
Ecoseg – Consultoria, Gestão e Treinamentos is a company registered under CNPJ 45.743.633/0001-28, known as 45743633000128. The corporate name is 45.743.633 LTDA, operating under the trading name Ecoseg – Consultoria, Gestão e Treinamentos. It was founded on March 22, 2022, and has been in business for 1 year, 4 months, and 6 days. Classified as a Micro Empresa, it falls under the legal nature of Sociedade Empresária Limitada.
The company has chosen not to operate under the Microempreendedor Individual (MEI) regime. However, it boasts a significant Capital Social of R$ 50,000.00 (Brazilian Reais). Ecoseg – Consultoria, Gestão e Treinamentos operates as a matriz and is currently in an active status, as per its registration data from March 22, 2022.
For contact purposes, you can reach the company via email at henrique@grupohfma.com or by calling on (98) 98173-0005, where WhatsApp communication is also available.
Located at Rua Nascimento de Moraes/Rua 1, 302, Sala 04, in the Sao Francisco neighborhood, the company’s address is in São Luís, Maranhão, with the postal code 65076-320.
The team responsible for the company includes Daniela Caires Chaves Pinto and Paulo Bogea Martins Filho, both serving as Sócio-Administrador.
Ecoseg – Consultoria, Gestão e Treinamentos’ primary activity, as per the Brazilian Federal Revenue, is categorized as 86.30-5-02, involving medical outpatient activities with resources for conducting complementary exams. As of now, the company’s registration status remains active.
With its foundation in São Luís, Maranhão, Ecoseg – Consultoria, Gestão e Treinamentos continues to provide its specialized services, making a significant impact in the region’s medical field with its diverse range of consulting, management, and training services. The company’s commitment to maintaining an active status exemplifies its dedication to quality and professionalism in its chosen industry.