
46.535.260 ltda paco do lumiar | 46.535.260 LTDA: Driving Financial Services and Empowering Communities

46.535.260 ltda paco do lumiar

46.535.260 ltda paco do lumiar



Information Details
Name 46.535.260 LTDA
CNPJ (National Register of Legal Entities) 46.535.260/0001-62
Business Name 46.535.260 LTDA
Date of Establishment 25/05/2022
Age of Company 1 year, 2 months, and 3 days
Company Size Micro Empresa
Legal Nature Sociedade Empresária Limitada
Opted for MEI (Microentrepreneur Individual) No
Opted for Simples Yes
Date of Opting for Simples 01/01/2023
Registered Capital R$ 5,000.00
Type Matriz
Status Ativa
Registration Date 25/05/2022
Phone(s) (98) 98151-1596 (Ligar) (Whatsapp)
Address Rua De Santa Rita, 340 Loja 02
Complement Centro
Neighborhood São Luís
ZIP Code (CEP) 65015-430
City Maranhão
State São Luís MA
Mailing Address 46.535.260 LTDA Rua De Santa Rita, 340 Loja 02 Centro São Luís MA 65015-430
Main Activity (CNAE) 66.19-3-02 – Correspondentes de instituições financeiras
Secondary Activities (CNAE) 66.19-3-99 – Outras atividades auxiliares dos serviços financeiros não especificadas anteriormente
Board of Partners and Administrators Maryclayde Moreira Soares Silva – Sócio-Administrador
Person in charge of the company Sócio-Administrador
About The company 46.535.260 LTDA with CNPJ 46.535.260/0001-62, was founded on 25/05/2022 in the city of São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil. Its main activity, according to the Federal Revenue, is 66.19-3-02 – Correspondentes de instituições financeiras (Financial institution correspondent). Its current registration status is Ativa (Active).


Promoting Financial Inclusion and Accessibility

In the vibrant city of São Luís, Maranhão, 46.535.260 LTDA is making a significant impact as a leading provider of financial services. Established on 25th May 2022, this Sociedade Empresária Limitada has been committed to driving financial inclusion and accessibility for individuals and businesses alike.

A Beacon of Financial Services

At the heart of 46.535.260 LTDA’s mission is the provision of financial services that cater to the diverse needs of the community. As a Correspondentes de instituições financeiras (Financial institution correspondent), the company serves as a vital intermediary, enabling seamless transactions and bridging the gap between individuals and financial institutions. By offering a wide range of financial services, 46.535.260 LTDA has become a beacon of reliability for individuals seeking banking solutions and businesses in need of financial support.

Supporting Economic Growth and Progress

As a Micro Empresa, 46.535.260 LTDA plays a key role in supporting economic growth and progress in São Luís. By facilitating financial transactions and providing essential financial services, the company empowers businesses to thrive and individuals to achieve their financial goals. This, in turn, contributes to the overall economic development of the city and the state of Maranhão.

Committed to Simplicity and Accessibility

With its commitment to the Simples Nacional (Simplified Tax System), 46.535.260 LTDA embraces a straightforward and streamlined approach to business operations. This enables the company to focus on delivering excellent customer service and maintaining accessibility for all clients. By opting for Simples, the company ensures that its financial solutions remain user-friendly and efficient.

Empowering Communities through Innovation

In the fast-paced world of financial services, innovation is key to staying ahead. 46.535.260 LTDA understands this and constantly strives to adopt cutting-edge technologies and practices in its operations. By embracing innovation, the company enhances its service offerings, improves efficiency, and ensures that its clients have access to the latest financial solutions.

A Leadership that Drives Success

At the helm of 46.535.260 LTDA is Maryclayde Moreira Soares Silva, the Sócio-Administrador (Partner-Administrator) of the company. With a passion for financial services and a dedication to customer satisfaction, Maryclayde’s leadership has been instrumental in driving the success of the company and its mission to empower communities through accessible and reliable financial services.

A Promising Future

As of the latest update, 46.535.260 LTDA remains “Ativa” (Active), a testament to its ongoing commitment to serving the financial needs of the community. With a registered capital of R$ 5,000.00, the company is well-positioned to continue its journey of financial empowerment and to shape a promising future for São Luís and beyond.


46.535.260 LTDA is a driving force in the world of financial services, empowering communities and businesses in São Luís, Maranhão. Through its commitment to Simples, innovation, and accessibility, the company has become a trusted partner for individuals and institutions seeking reliable financial solutions. As 46.535.260 LTDA continues to grow and evolve, it reinforces its dedication to promoting financial inclusion, driving economic growth, and empowering communities for a brighter and more prosperous future.

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