
47.330.740 ltda duque bacelar

47.330.740 ltda duque bacelar | Passo Bom Distribuidora: Fostering Footwear Trade in Duque Bacelar

47.330.740 ltda duque bacelar


Information Details
CNPJ 47.330.740/0001-50
Company Name Passo Bom Distribuidora
Legal Nature Sociedade Empresária Limitada
Porte Empresa de Pequeno Porte
Date of Opening 28/07/2022
Capital Social R$ 75,000.00
Type Matriz
Status Ativa
Registration Date 28/07/2022
Contact Email
Contact Phone (99) 99932-0336 (Whatsapp)
Address Rua Martins Marques, 55
Neighborhood Centro
CEP 65625-000
Municipality Duque Bacelar
State Maranhão
Main Activity (CNAE) 46.43-5-01 – Comércio atacadista de calçados

In the vibrant city of Duque Bacelar, Passo Bom Distribuidora has emerged as a dynamic player in the footwear industry, making a significant impact as a wholesale distributor of shoes. With its diverse range of activities and commitment to customer satisfaction, this company has quickly become a driving force behind the local footwear trade.

Let us delve into the story of Passo Bom Distribuidora, its registration details, and its contribution to the footwear sector in the region.

Foundation and Business Details: Passo Bom Distribuidora, with the CNPJ 47.330.740/0001-50, officially began its journey on 28th July 2022. As a Sociedade Empresária Limitada, the company operates under the trade name “Passo Bom Distribuidora” with the corporate name 47.330.740 LTDA wpf. The company serves as a matriz and falls under the category of Empresa de Pequeno Porte, emphasizing its dedication to fostering growth and opportunity within its niche.

Diversified Activities in the Footwear Industry: Passo Bom Distribuidora stands out for its diverse activities in the footwear sector, catering to both wholesale and retail markets. Its principal activity, classified under the CNAE 46.43-5-01, involves the wholesale trade of footwear. The company plays a vital role in connecting shoe manufacturers with retailers, ensuring a smooth supply chain and facilitating access to a wide range of footwear products.

Additionally, the company is involved in various secondary activities, such as retail sales of footwear (CNAE 47.82-2-01) and manufacturing accessories for clothing, except safety and protection items (CNAE 14.14-2-00). Passo Bom Distribuidora also contributes to the manufacturing of synthetic material footwear (CNAE 15.33-5-00) and footwear made from other materials not specified elsewhere (CNAE 15.39-4-00). Furthermore, the company specializes in producing travel articles, bags, and similar items using various materials (CNAE 15.21-1-00).

Entrepreneurial Leadership and Management: At the helm of Passo Bom Distribuidora is Glauber Felipe Oliveira Santos, who serves as the Sócio-Administrador or Managing Partner. With a passion for the footwear industry and strong entrepreneurial acumen, Glauber has been instrumental in driving the company’s growth and success. His leadership and expertise in the field have enabled Passo Bom Distribuidora to navigate the competitive market and establish itself as a reliable player in the footwear trade.

Customer-Centric Approach and Growth Strategy: One of the key factors behind Passo Bom Distribuidora’s success is its unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction. The company places immense importance on understanding the unique needs and preferences of its clients, ensuring they receive top-quality products and excellent service. By fostering strong relationships with both manufacturers and retailers, Passo Bom Distribuidora has built a solid foundation for sustained growth and expansion.

Influence on the Local Economy: Passo Bom Distribuidora’s presence has undoubtedly had a positive impact on the local economy of Duque Bacelar and the broader Maranhão region. Through its activities in wholesale distribution and retail sales, the company has created employment opportunities and supported local businesses, contributing to economic development and prosperity.

Conclusion: Passo Bom Distribuidora has carved a niche for itself in the vibrant footwear industry of Duque Bacelar. With its diversified activities, customer-centric approach, and dedicated leadership, the company has quickly become a vital player in the sector. As Passo Bom Distribuidora continues to expand its operations and innovate, it remains committed to fostering growth and excellence within the footwear trade, benefiting both manufacturers and retailers alike.

In the years to come, Passo Bom Distribuidora’s impact on the local economy is likely to grow, positioning the company as a catalyst for economic development and empowerment in Duque Bacelar and beyond.

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