
Zelda Williams Reflects on Directing Lisa Frankenstein: A Personal Journey

In an exclusive interview with PEOPLE at the premiere of Lisa Frankenstein in Los Angeles, Zelda Williams delves into the experience of making her directorial debut. She shares that tackling a script penned by writer and film producer Diablo Cody was initially “really daunting,” particularly concerning the tone of the film.

Lisa Frankenstein

Zelda confesses, “Starting with a campy comedy can be really daunting. But I’m very grateful. We had such a good time.” She acknowledges the unexpected turn of events that led to Lisa Frankenstein becoming her inaugural directorial project, attributing it to the unique circumstances brought about by the pandemic.

“The pandemic happened, and other movies I was set to do just didn’t survive,” Zelda explains. “Weirdly, this was the strange little train that did, and I’m very grateful for that.”

Galentine’s Day Affair: A Movie for All Occasions

Expressing her thoughts on the film’s suitability for Galentine’s Day, Zelda shares, “Well, as one of the singles on this set, I actually think it’s a great Galentine’s Day movie.” She emphasizes the film’s comedic nature, highlighting its ability to evoke laughter regardless of relationship status.

The Genesis of Lisa Frankenstein: A Collaborative Effort

Zelda, renowned for her feature-length directorial debut in the horror comedy starring Kathryn Newton and Cole Sprouse, first announced her involvement with Lisa Frankenstein on Twitter in 2022. She described the script as “the most bonkers, wonderful zombie script,” expressing enduring gratitude for the opportunity it presented.

Diablo Cody, the mastermind behind Lisa Frankenstein, commends Zelda’s directorial prowess, praising her intelligence, film literacy, and confidence. Cody reminisces about their initial encounter, where Zelda’s commanding presence left a lasting impression, despite it being her first foray into directing.

“The very first time we met, I thought to myself, ‘I can’t believe this person has never directed a feature before, because I feel like I’m meeting someone who’s 10 films in,'” Cody recalls. “It was that confidence that drew me to her and also just that she had such an innate understanding of the source material.”

Embracing Legacy: Robin Williams’ Influence

Reflecting on her late father Robin Williams’ illustrious acting career, Zelda shares her admiration for his multifaceted talents. She recalls moments from the set of the 1999 sci-fi film Bicentennial Man, where she gained insight into the diverse opportunities within the entertainment industry.

“That was when I was old enough to really understand that there was a whole bunch of jobs you could also do,” Zelda reminisces about her formative years.

In the wake of Robin Williams’ tragic death by suicide in August 2014, Zelda has been candid about her journey through grief. She acknowledges the challenges of being in the public eye while mourning her father’s passing and emphasizes the importance of mental health awareness and seeking support.

As Zelda continues to carve her path in the entertainment industry, her directorial debut with Lisa Frankenstein stands as a testament to her talent and resilience, guided by her father’s enduring legacy.

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