
Let’s Embrace the Joy of Easter

As Lent draws to a close, I find myself filled with gratitude not only for the promise of Easter Alleluias and the sweetness of Cadbury dark chocolate eggs but also for the end of what has been a challenging Lenten season.

About Easter

This Lent was particularly arduous, not solely due to its traditional sacrifices, but also because of the weight of the world’s troubles weighing heavily on my soul. The constant stream of distressing news served as a stark reminder of the brokenness of our world and the desperate need for redemption. In such times, it becomes undeniably clear that we are in need of a savior – a beacon of hope amidst the darkness.

For me, this Lent was marked by the struggle to uphold my Lenten resolutions. While none of them were excessively difficult, each required a level of discipline and dedication that proved to be a challenge. I won’t delve into the specifics, but suffice it to say that there were moments when I faltered, when my resolve wavered, and when words slipped from my lips that I had vowed to abstain from.

Yet, amidst the trials and tribulations of Lent, I find solace in the words of St. John Chrysostom, whose Easter homily resonates with profound truth and compassion. He reminds us that Easter is a time for all to rejoice, regardless of our Lenten successes or failures. Whether we have faithfully observed the fast or stumbled along the way, we are all invited to partake in the bountiful feast of forgiveness and redemption.

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In his homily, St. Chrysostom extends a universal invitation to the Easter celebration, welcoming both the diligent and the negligent, the rich and the poor, the sober and the slothful. He reminds us that Easter is a time of abundance, where all are invited to feast upon the rich offerings of God’s goodness and grace.

Furthermore, St. Chrysostom invokes the parable of the workers in the vineyard, emphasizing that Easter brings the same reward for all – a notion that may challenge our earthly notions of fairness but speaks to the boundless mercy and generosity of God.

As we bask in the joy of Easter, let us not allow its significance to fade away quickly. Just as we spent 40 days in the desert of Lent, let us now dedicate ourselves to 40 days of rejoicing. Let us revel in the blessings of this glorious feast, indulging in special foods and expressions of gratitude for the victory over death that Easter represents.

Indeed, there will be other Lents, but there is only one Easter – a time to proclaim to the world that hope prevails and that love conquers all. So let us embrace the joy of Easter and share its message of redemption and renewal with a world in need of hope and healing.

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