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Look ukraine russia 4m greenbergwired: Russia’s Strategic Fiasco and Ukraine’s Assured Future

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Mayor Vartiainen: Your Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends, it is my great pleasure to warmly welcome you all to the beautiful capital of Finland, Helsinki, and the Helsinki City Hall. Helsinki has a great honor to host this special event today. We are humbled and deeply appreciate the presence of U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken here in Helsinki.

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Helsinki is a city where the harmonious blend of history, innovation, freedom, and diplomacy converges. Our capital has been the venue for numerous high-level meetings and political events, and we take pride in providing the platform for this historic moment, now as the proud capital of a new NATO Ally.

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Now, I am delighted to introduce the co-organizer of this event, Dr. Mika Aaltola, the director of the Finnish Institute of International Affairs. Thank you. (Applause.)

Dr. Aaltola: Your Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, today marks a truly historic day. It is the first time a United States Secretary of State stands on the solid granite ground of NATO Finland. Secretary Blinken’s visit ushers in a new era in Finnish-U.S. relations, which have deep historical ties. Our countries, now NATO Allies, have also been strengthening bilateral defense cooperation, and economic collaboration has significantly increased, with the U.S. becoming Finland’s top trade partner last year.

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Though separated by an ocean, our nations are connected by bonds that transcend distance. We share common security challenges, but more importantly, we share a commitment to democracy, our shared values, and mutual interests.

These values have been challenged by Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine. The level of economic and military support the United States has provided to Ukraine underscores its indispensable role in Europe. The U.S. demonstrated leadership when much of Europe was relatively passive in the face of Russia’s power politics. U.S. leadership remains as essential as ever.

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This leadership keeps doors open and adversaries at bay, but it is built on partnership. Finland has offered the United States such a partnership. We are a capable ally and a provider of security. We fulfill our responsibilities in our region and beyond, committed to supporting Ukraine and defending our values. This commitment is not only shared by Finnish leadership but, more importantly, by the Finnish people.

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Finland ranks as one of the least corrupt, most egalitarian, highly educated, and democratic countries globally. It is also one of the most stable nations in the world, a valuable asset in these turbulent times. To our surprise, Finland has also been ranked the happiest country in the world. We question this ranking every year, but it is a fact that others point out to us. It begs the question: if we are the happiest, how must others feel? (Laughter.)

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Now, I am truly delighted to welcome to the stage with United States Secretary of State, Mr. Antony Blinken. (Applause.)

Secretary Blinken: Thank you. Thank you very much. I must say, today, I do feel a greater sense of happiness than I have in a long time. (Laughter.)

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Here’s the rephrased version:

This is what this entails:

A fair and enduring peace must uphold the principles laid out in the UN Charter, including sovereignty, territorial integrity, and independence.

For a just and lasting peace, it is essential to involve Ukraine fully and obtain its consent – nothing should be decided about Ukraine without Ukraine’s involvement.

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A lasting and just peace should also involve Russia contributing its share to support Ukraine’s reconstruction and recovery.

A just and lasting peace must address both accountability for past actions and the need for reconciliation.

Such a peace could pave the way for sanctions relief contingent upon concrete actions, especially the withdrawal of military forces. It must put an end to Russia’s aggressive war.

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In the upcoming weeks and months, some nations may propose a ceasefire. On the surface, this may seem sensible and appealing. After all, who wouldn’t want warring parties to stop fighting? Who wouldn’t want to end the bloodshed?

However, a ceasefire that merely freezes the current borders in place and allows Putin to consolidate control over the seized territory, regroup, rearm, and potentially launch further attacks is not a just and lasting peace. It would be a deceptive peace, legitimizing Russia’s land seizure and rewarding the aggressor while punishing the victim.

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When and if Russia is genuinely ready to work toward true peace, the United States will respond in collaboration with Ukraine and its global allies and partners. Together with Ukraine and these allies and partners, we will be prepared to engage in broader discussions on European security, aiming to promote stability, transparency, and reduce the risk of future conflicts.


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In the weeks and months ahead, the United States will continue to cooperate with Ukraine, its allies, partners, and any party committed to supporting a fair and enduring peace based on these principles.

On April 4, 1949, exactly 74 years before Finland joined NATO, the founding members of the Alliance gathered in Washington to sign its founding treaty. President Truman cautioned the group, stating, and I quote, “We cannot succeed if our people live in constant fear of aggression and bear the burden of individually preparing their nations against attacks. We hope to create a shield against aggression and the fear of aggression – a bulwark that will allow us to focus on the real task of improving the lives of all our citizens.”

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This holds true today. No nation, be it Ukraine, the United States, Finland, Sweden, or any other country, can fulfill the needs of its people if it lives under the constant threat of aggression. That is why we all have a vested interest in ensuring that President Putin’s aggressive war against Ukraine remains a strategic failure.

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In his New Year’s address to the Finnish people, President Niinistö identified a fundamental flaw in President Putin’s plan to swiftly conquer Ukraine – a flaw that also foiled Stalin’s attempt to rapidly conquer Finland. As President Niinistö stated, and I quote, “As leaders of a country under authoritarian rule, Stalin and Putin failed to recognize that people living in a free country have their own will and convictions. And that a nation that works together constitutes an immense force.”

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The Finns have a word for this formidable combination of will and determination: “sisu.” They recognize this sisu in the struggle of the Ukrainian people today. When a free people like the Ukrainians have the support of free nations worldwide, nations that acknowledge their destinies and freedom, their rights, and security become inextricably linked, and the force they possess is not just immense – it is unstoppable.

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